Ff11 best pld ws for dmg
Ff11 best pld ws for dmg

ff11 best pld ws for dmg

Blocked hits still dealt dmg, so not 100% A very brief test showed that this wasn't the case using Srivatsa.


So, some questions came up post update about block dmg reduction(henceforth BDR in this post) as the increased def values should have had many ilvl shields hitting 100% dmg reduction on block. This post is perhaps a bit premature, as I've only completed a single test sample on the subject, but I'm stuck here at work and can't gather anymore data, sooo. If you're not making Burtgang or will be, Cap/Near Cap Brilliance is your best option compared to these other Non Ultimates. Atonement's update makes it a far superior option of TP use VS Savage Blade, especially on higher end content. I have zero experience with Almace, I have no idea how it compares to SequenceSinister Reign is an alternative time sink for a capped or near capped Brilliance, which is a Wal-Mart Burtgang. I have zero experience with Almace, I have no idea how it compares to Sequence So in those situations, I can absolutely see without a doubt Sequence being hands down the best "tanking" sword for paladin there, and those situations come up often enough (especially in ambuscade) for it to be worth it. If you break it down I believe last I checked, a Moralltach cure set will have basically the same enmity as a Burtgang cure set.įinally you have Empy and Aeonic, I know Aeonic is absolutely the best in slot sword for Savage Blade spam strats, which when combined with Ochain can actually make you extremely competitive with the DDs for DPS on certain content (One of the best feelings in the world as a paladin is pulling in a hot 25% of the DPS on a hundred fists or quadruple attack based enemy)īasically, at Master tier you get ***tonnes of TP from blocking enemies that spam attacks, and on some fights Ive had cases where I was right back up to ~1700 TP before I even finished my savage blade animation, so being able to straight up spam ~20K savage blades makes keeping hate a *** breeze on those fights. HP directly correlates to less enmity lost when hit.īurtgang of course is tanky as *** and has very high DPS, but I actually think Moralltach will net you better enmity control in many situations simply by having a lot more enmity and being able to cap cure potency easier, which means more enmity gear in your cure set, which translates to ***tonnes more enmity generation. Moralltach Path C is also incredibly powerful, a lot of people dont realize that the Cure Pot+25 is a BIG deal, and 200 hp is a ***tonne. Ok now you can make a REMA, I personally like Excalibur, a lot of people often scoff at its aftermath but I consider it to be quite powerful. I would not recommend spending any money or energy on a REMA sword until you have made Aegis and have all your top end armor and accessories.ĥ. This sword is honestly a completely respectable stopping point if you want to now devote a lot of time and energy into your armor. Its not the best but goddamn does it get close. I would consider the hunt to get a Shiny to be way less effort than a REMA, and Naegling is only just a little bit short of the REMA tier weapons. You are gonna need to make it anyways for Step 4, but I dont know which is stronger, Kaja vs Tanmogayi, but my gut says Tanmo wins by a decent bit eyeballing it.Ĥ. This sword is quite stellar and will get you quite far in the game.ģ.5: Another potential option, Im not sure how it compares, is Kaja sword from Ambuscade. Tanmogayi +1, Sarama is a moderately tuff fight and you definitely need to take the time to gear up, and Demersel Degen would have helped with that. Demersel Degen +1, this is an excellent entry level sword to basically make your paladin capable of doing anything, and once you have Ochain Bakunawa becomes a stupid easy fight.ģ. You only need to i95 Ochain, you dont need to spent a single penny after that.Ģ. You should not bother with paladin until you've done this mandatory step.


Ochain first, its free and will make getting the stuff listed below a billion times easier.


As for best non-REMA sword option for paladin, I would recommend the following upgrade path to work your way towards end game tier so you can get your REMA.ġ.

Ff11 best pld ws for dmg